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Life is an oxymoron for the most natural and unnatural events. Then there’s studying abroad. What a combination… Studying abroad is something exciting for every student – something they desire when the charm of the other place beguiles them. Whether you are boarding to another English-speaking country or you are flying to an entirely different language speaking state, it may seem like just the thing you need to play the thrill mode on. Be warned: the exciting it seems, the harsher it is emotionally and physically – especially when you’re plagued by nostalgia.

This post will expose some of the primary hurdles that come in the way of almost every international student. All of them are reviewed under a survey conducted for the cause.


Homesickness comes hand in hand with studying abroad. No one imagines that s/he will say it, but this is how it goes! After all, home is where the heart belongs. Every single international student leaving for the far-away land misses the home, family, friends, and even neighbourhood.  

You miss your siblings; you miss your mom's cooking; you reminisce your dad's anger, your pet, and just what not! Studying abroad is a big challenge to face alone. From spices to weather, everything changes, which makes it damn hard to adjust.

Financial hurdles

Studying abroad is itself a significant expense to stand on one's own shoulder. Then when it comes to gauging up your living, eating, and travelling expense, the pile of bills keeps the crushing hard on you.

You have to be sceptical about your spending if you want to deal with the finance-zilla. For instance, go for sightseeing instead of visiting costly entertainment. Secondly, survive on microwave food instead of buying the whole grocery from veggies to spices – you’ll save time and money. Most of all, become friends with locals who can guide you on where to buy the best and the cheapest.

Getting lost

No matter how many maps you rely on, you will eventually get lost at least once in your new country. The first thing to do? Don't panic. All you have to do is to use Google street views or simply ask the locals to guide you back home/hostel/hotel.

What more you can do is to try writing phrases asking them to help you out or asking for directions to the nearest tram stop in the local language, so that you can show them and seek help. Moreover, if you forget to do this, try using Google translator to convey your message in a foreign language. It will be much easier.

Staying motivated

Staying motivated when studying abroad is one of the hardest things. This is because you are already far away from home due to which you do not only have anxiety but also have to do extra ‘mom’ chores like cooking, cleaning, and taking care of yourself and your belongings. Such a mess makes it tough for a youngster to sit back in the classroom and memorize some timelines and other formulae. Students are more likely to think that they can instead roam around the city to explore it.

The loner feeling

Living in a new country makes you feel alone, even in the most massive crowd. No matter how much you try to indulge, the nostalgia keeps brimming and spills out to remind you of the days your mom used to make your favourite dishes. No matter how much you learn, your accent still lacks the linguistic flexibility that also makes you feel alienated.

Language and cross-cultural barriers

Language and cross-cultural barriers are the weirdest. Either you take them in humiliation or use them as another learning opportunity. These barriers are related to the style you speak and the food you eat. For example, you may face issues with meat (whether the animal is electrically killed, skinned, butchered, or slaughtered). Many students also complained regarding their long and lengthy assignment tasks assigned by their professors. English is not their first language so they make many errors while writing it. There is an option for them. They can get online help with Coursework Writers to complete it. Moreover, whether you are a vegan or not also makes you feel sick when you’re out in a place where meat is prized more than fresh produce or vice versa.

Emotional weakness

When you live alone, you eventually begin to feel like you’re just an inch closer to getting an emotional setback. Since you have family and friends back home, you still don't have anyone to hug or a hand to hold. Ward off the emotional distress by making new friends at the campus so that you have someone to talk to in rough days.


Studying abroad gives a wide range of new opportunities. You have a chance to explore new places, make new friends, and most importantly, live your own life without being afraid. Briefly, living alone in a foreign country to study modifies your basics to live your beautiful life with strength and freedom.